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Everybody’s Brushing with Pobanz Orthodontics

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Everybody’s Brushing with Pobanz Orthodontics! Watch this fun video with the kids to teach them the importance of oral health!

Nifty “Eggs”periment from Dr. Pobanz

Friday, March 27th, 2009

Summer is drawing near. If the little ones aren’t at camp, we at Pobanz Orthodontics thought you might need some ideas to keep them occupied. Why not use a fun and simple science experiment to focus their attention for a while? This one includes a lesson about why it’s important to brush teeth to make plaque go away.

Gather the items you will need for this experiment:

–1 hard-boiled egg with the shell on
–12 ounces of Coke, Pepsi or other dark-colored cola
–1 container large enough to hold the cola and egg
–1 plastic bowl
–1 toothbrush
–1 drop of fluoride toothpaste
–Clean-up supplies

Explain to your child that plaque is a sticky layer of germs that collects on her teeth. If she doesn’t brush, plaque can cause serious problems for her teeth, for example holes in the teeth (cavities) or swollen gums (gingivitis). Tell her that you are going to do an experiment to see how plaque coats her teeth, and why brushing twice a day is important for healthy teeth and gums.

Conduct the experiment:

1. Make the comparison between the white color of the egg and the white color of your child’s teeth.

2. Place the egg into the container and pour the cola over it, so that it completely covers the egg.

3. Let the egg sit in the cola for 24 hours.

4. Remove the egg from the cola. The egg will be stained and yellowish.
5. Explain to your child that the colored layer that has appeared on top of the eggshell is just like the layer of plaque that occurs on her teeth.

6. Place the egg in the plastic bowl and give your child the toothbrush with the drop of toothpaste on it.

7. Let her brush the “plaque” off of the egg. The yellowish film will disappear, exposing the white eggshell. Explain that the same thing happens when she brushes her teeth.

Enjoy from Pobanz Orthodontics

Appointment Card Contest at Pobanz Orthodontics

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Being in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time is all it takes to win a $100 VISA Gift Card from Dr. John! We have changed our appointment card contest. Simply hand your appointment card to one of our front desk girls and IF you are EARLY or RIGHT ON TIME, your card will be entered into the “ON TIME” drawing held once every quarter. The next drawing will be at the end of March 2009! So keep those cards coming!!

Contests for Everyone at Pobanz Orthodontics

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Test your design skills! Dr. John and his Team want to see your creative side! Take a toothbrush and work your magic. (Use one of your own or we are providing them in the office). Decorate the toothbrush or use it to create a sculpture or other piece of art work. We will display all the designs in the office. Each toothbrush will get one entry for a Digital Camera! One entry per patient. Contest ends March 31st.

The next adult appointment card contest is awesome and by far one our most popular! Bring your appt. card to your appointments and if you are ON TIME or EARLY, your card will be entered to win a $150 cleaning spree! That’s right we send ‘em to you!! Contest ends March 31st, just in time for spring cleaning!

Good luck from Dr. John and the Team at Pobanz Orthodontics.

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