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Our Contest Winners!

Thursday, September 4th, 2008


OUR WINNERS!!! The Best Brusher award for May was Chris S. and in June the winner was Jennifer D. Great job on having clean and healthy teeth and enjoy your $20 gift card!!

Riley R. won Speed Street passes for 4 for winning the Pin the Smile on Dr. John contest! Have fun Riley!!

Congratulations to Nelli H.!! She was the winner of the adult appointment card contest and will be going on a Great Salt Lake Dinner Cruise!

The Pobanz Window Sticker contest has come to an end. It was fun to see the window stickers on our patient’s vehicles around town! A special thanks to all who participated. The prize for this contest was four passes to Raging Waters in Salt Lake and one night stay at Little America. The winner was Taylor G. Congratulations Taylor, have fun at Raging Waters!

Annie S. gets to take the awesome mountain bike home for referring one of her friends who became a patient! The next referral prize will be a cool snow board to be given away the end of December 2008. To win, just refer your friends and family in to see Dr. Pobanz and if they become a patient both of you will be entered to win!

For those of you who are new to our practice or who are not familiar with our monthly contests please see the Office Fun section of our website. It will inform you of our monthly contests and also the current Fun Contests we have going on.
To show appreciation to our faithful parents who work so hard to get our patients to and from their appointments, we are adding a contest category to our monthly drawings! We will draw an extra appointment card out of the jar and give that patient’s parent a gift card. So Kids, don’t forget your appointment cards, this is a great way to say thanks to your parents!!

Upcoming Events & Contests

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

This contest is a no-brainer!! All you have to do is put a Dr. Pobanz window sticker on your car and “GET SPOTTED” with it on your car window and your license plate will be entered to win a weekend away for four to Litte America Hotel in Salt Lake Ctiy and Raging Waters water park resort! You can pick up the sticker in our office, it’s that simple! Contest runs May thru June. Good luck!

Okay, we know that all of you know how to play this game! The only difference is it’s Dr. JOHN!! When you’re in our office you will have the opportunity to “Pin the smile on Dr. John” and enter to win passes to SPEED STREET! Contest runs May thru July. Good luck!

Congratulations Shae D!! Shae won the adult appointment card contest, a $100 car detail! The next adult appointment card contest is a Great Salt Lake Dinner Cruise and runs April thru June! Good Luck!

More About Damon vs. Invisalign Pt. 1

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

To continue on the Damon vs. Invisalign path, I thought I’d share with you a video I found about Invisalign. Next week, expect to see a video about Damon to help further educate you as to your orthodontic options:

Which Technology is Right for You?

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Invisalign is an exciting treatment approach that has allowed thousands of patients world wide to enhance their smiles without wearing braces. We have also treated many patients with Invisalign for the upper teeth and braces for the lower teeth when the tooth movement needs required it. All Invisalign patients require refinement in one form or another at the end of treatment. For some, this involves the production of more aligners, for others it requires partial bracketing of some teeth for a limited amount of time.

Damon Self-Ligating System:
For decades orthodontists have struggled with the difficult decision of when to remove permanent teeth to acheive facial balance and optimal smile esthetics. The advent of a self-ligating bracket that controls the wire in the slot of the bracket without the need for a rubber o-ring has resultedin has changed our traditional thinking in regards to treatment planning the removal of permanent teeth. Because of the low force levels delivered to the teeth and the delicate bone that surrounds them, we are now able to create space for crowded teeth without flaring front teeth forward but rather by a gradual widening of the posterior areas of the individual arches of teeth.

Image-guided Orthodontics:”When do I get my braces off”: this is the question that every orthodontist hears multiple times on a daily basis. Treatment efficiency has become a significant focus of the orthodontics profession. Suresmileis a high technology approach to orthodontics that involve 3-D scanning of the dentition, software treatment planning and robotic creation of customized orthodontic archwires. Every orthdontist is trained to carefully evaluate tooth movement and make adjustments in the position of brackets or make bends in the wire to customize tooth movement and the final outcome of the treatment. This process is often laborious and slow because the response of each patient’s dentition to the adjustments executed by the clinician are variable. The suresmile process significantly reduces this variability. The precision and accuracy that can be achieved with digital and robotic application of the orthodontists skills is phenomenal. Patients treated with this approach enjoy a significant reduction in the number of visit requires to acheive their final outcome.

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