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The Damon System: Better Results in Less Time at Pobanz Orthodontics

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

A lot of our patients, (especially you parents!) come to the orthodontist thinking traditional braces are the only answer. Here at Pobanz Orthodontics, we offer the Damon System, a revolutionary new braces system that can give you better results in less time!

Am I right for the Damon System?

Pobanz Orthodontics will evaluate your eligibility for the Damon System, and the procedure can be performed for children and adults alike!

What makes Damon braces better?

Probably the biggest advantage of Damon braces over traditional brackets is the amount of time and effort involved. Pobanz Orthodontics can often cut months off of the total treatment time for patients using the Damon System, and less visits to our office are necessary to make adjustments.

In addition, the Damon System brackets are:

• Cleaner- Damon brackets don’t have the elastic of traditional brackets, and are less prone to all the plaque buildup that your dentist warns you about!

• Discreet- Damon braces are smaller and have fewer parts than traditional brackets, making them less noticeable and more comfortable.

• No tightening- With the Damon system, Dr. Pobanz can position your teeth and avoid frequent adjustments. This also reduces the need for complicated tooth extractions or surgery.

If you have been thinking about an orthodontic procedure, come see us at Pobanz Orthodontics for an assessment to see if the Damon System is right for you!

Bottled Water May Be Behind Tooth Troubles

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

We at Pobanz Orthodontics want you to know that as more families turn to bottled water and away from the tap, they may be missing out on one important ingredient that most brands of bottled water fail to include: fluoride!

As of 2005, bottled water is second only to soft drinks as the most popular drink in the United States, beating out milk, juice, and – more significantly – tap water. Between 2001 and 2006, the amount of bottled water sold in the U.S. rose an average of 10% per year. And many dental health specialists point to bottled water’s increased popularity as the culprit behind rising rates of cavities.

Because fluoride helps strengthen teeth, it is an important component of maintaining good oral health. The benefits of fluoride were noticed in the early part of the twentieth century, when researchers found communities with low levels of tooth decay. It turned out that these towns had measurable levels (around 1 part per million) of fluoride in their drinking water.

Beginning in the 1940s, communities have fluoridated their water supplies, and dentists have seen a significant decline in cavities ever since. The American Dental Association endorses both community water fluoridation and the use of fluoride-containing products as a safe means of preventing tooth decay. Between tap water and toothpaste, most of us get sufficient amounts of fluoride.

But if your family avoids fluoridated tap water in favor of ever-more-popular bottled water, you could be missing out on the levels of fluoride necessary to make a difference in your oral health.

If bottled water is your water of choice, check the label to make sure that your brand contains fluoride. As of a 2006 decision, the FDA allows bottled water containing .6 to 1.0 milligrams per liter of fluoride to carry a label stating that fluoridated water may reduce the risk of dental cavities or tooth decay. The ADA has backed this decision.

Of course, simply drinking fluoridated water is not a magic ticket to perfect teeth. To keep your choppers in tip-top shape, it’s important to brush and floss daily and avoid sugary sweets, in addition to maintaining your fluoride intake and visiting us at Pobanz Orthodontics regularly.

Gummy Tummy

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

We at Pobanz Orthodontics know the rumors going around – mostly among young people – that once you swallow a piece of chewing gum it will stake a claim and take up residency in your stomach for at least seven years! We really hate to take all the fun out of the mystery, but the truth is that chewing gum, when swallowed, will enter the stomach and move through the digestive system just like any other piece of food and leave the body long before seven years! So, if you ever have accidentally swallowed a piece of gum, there is no need to worry!

This being said, gum does not have any dietary benefits, so while it’s not harmful to swallow, you still want to avoid swallowing it. If you are a gum-chewer, make sure you chew sugarless gum, because gum with sugar can lead to cavities. Sugarless gum still has the same amount of flavor, but with less cavity causing ingredients. You see, when the bacterium in your mouth breaks down sugar, what’s left behind is acid. This acid eats away at the enamel coating of your teeth, causing holes that we call cavities. Cavities can lead to other long term mouth problems if they are not treated in time, so it is best to try and avoid overexposing your teeth to too many harmful substances!

Dr. Pobanz

Cardiodontics: The Heart Mouth Connection from Pobanz Orthodontics

Monday, June 29th, 2009

If you have been told you have periodontal disease (also known as gum disease or periodontitis), you’re not alone. An estimated 80 percent of American adults currently have some form of the disease! Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that results in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases, teeth are lost.

Gum disease is a threat to your oral health. Research is also pointing to health effects of periodontal diseases that go well beyond your mouth. So we at Pobanz Orthodontics
want to let you know some interesting facts and ways to treat the disease.

What is Periodontal Disease?

“Perio” means around, and “dontal” refers to teeth. Periodontal disease is an infection of the structures around the teeth, including the gums and the bones that hold the teeth. The earliest stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis – an infection of the gums. In more severe forms of the disease, all of the tissues are involved, including the bone. Bacteria that live and reproduce on the teeth and gums cause periodontal disease.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Symptoms may include the following:
–redness or bleeding of gums while brushing teeth or using dental floss
–halitosis, or bad breath
–gum recession, resulting in apparent lengthening of teeth
–”pockets” between the teeth and gums indicating that the bone which holds the teeth in the mouth is dissolving
–loose teeth
Gum inflammation and bone destruction are largely painless. Hence, people may wrongly assume that painless bleeding after teeth cleaning is insignificant, although this may be a symptom of progressing periodontitis. If your hands bled when you washed them, you would be concerned. Yet, many people think it’s normal if their gums bleed when they brush or floss.

Periodontal Disease Affects Your Health

Periodontal disease is a putrid, festering infection of the mouth. Bacteria and inflammatory particles can enter the bloodstream through ulcerated and bleeding gums and travel to the heart and other organs. In recent years, gum disease has been linked to a number of health problems. Researchers are studying possible connections between gum disease and:
–Heart disease: Gum disease may increase the risk of heart disease. Gum disease also is believed to worsen existing heart disease.
–Stroke: Gum disease may increase the risk of the type of stroke caused by blocked arteries
–Diabetes: People with diabetes and periodontal disease may be more likely to have trouble controlling their blood sugar than diabetics with healthy gums.
–Premature births: A woman who has gum diseases during pregnancy may be more likely deliver her baby too early and the infant may be more likely to be of low birth weight.

Combating Periodontal Disease

–See your dentist! See your dentist every six months for a checkup! Regular professional cleanings and checkups make you feel good, look good, and could be a lifesaver!
–Brush and floss daily. Take your time and do it right!
–Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash. Daily use of an anti-bacterial mouthwash helps to disinfect the teeth and gums, and reduces the number of bacteria.
–Straighten your teeth. Crowded teeth are nearly impossible to keep clean. Orthodontic treatment can greatly reduce inflammation and periodontal disease.

Pobanz Orthodontics

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